Not all fruits and veggies are safe for Sugar Gliders. Here is a list of safe fruits and veggies for your Sugar Glider along with their calcium:phosphorous ratios. Each glider should be offered 1 tablespoon of fruits and 1 tablespoon of veggies every night with their main diet. We use and recommend the bml modified to Judies bml. This diet can be found by clicking on “diet”.
Safe Fruits
Acerola 1:1 ; Apple (with Skin) 1:1 ;Apple (without Skin) 0.5:1 ; Apricots 0.7:1 ; Banana:0.3:1 ; Blackberries 1.5:1 ; Breadfruit 0.5:1 ; Cantaloupe 0.6:1 ; Carambola 0.2:1 ; Carissa 1.5:1 ; Casaba Melon 0.7:1 ; Cherimoya 0.5:1 ; Cherries (Sweet) 0.7:1 ; Crab Apples 1.2:1 ; Cranberries 0.7:1 ; Currants (European Black) 0.9:1 ; Currants (Red & White) 0.7:1 ; Currants (Zante) 0.6:1 ; Custard Apple 1.4:1 ; Dates 0.8:1 ; Elderberries 0.9:1 ; Figs 2.5:1 ; Grapes (American (Slip Skin)) 1.4:1 ; Grapes (European) 0.8:1 ; Grapefruit (Pink & Red): 1.2:1 Grapefruit (white): 1.5:1 Ground Cherries 0.2:1 ; Honeydew Melon 0.6:1 ; Jackfruit 0.9:1 ; Java Plum 1.1 ; 1 Jujube: 0.9:1 ; Kiwifruit 0.6:1 ; Kumquat 2.3:1 ; Lemon 4.0:1 ; Lemon Peel 11.1:1 ; Lime 1.8:1 ; Longans 0.04:1 ; Loquats 0.5:1 ; Mammy Apple 1:1; Mango 0.9:1 ; Mulberries 1:1 ; Nectarine 0.3:1 ; Oheloberries 0.7:1 ; Orange Peel 7.6:1 ; Orange (Navel) 2.1:1 ; Orange (Valencia) 2.3:1 ; Papaya 4.8:1 ; Passion Fruit (Purple) 0.1:1 ; Peach 0.4:1 ; Pear 1:1 ; Persimmon 1:1 ; Persimmon (Japanese) 0.4:1 ; Pineapple 1:1 ; Pitanga 100 grams 0.8:1 ; Plantain 0.1:1 ; Plum 0.4:1 ; Pomegranate 0.3:1 ; Prickly Pear 2.3:1 ; Prunes 0.6:1 ; Pummelo 0.2:1 ; Quince 0.6:1 ; Raisins (Golden Seedless) 0.4:1 ; Raisins (Seeded) 1:1 ; Raisins (Seedless) 0.5:1 ; Raspberries 1.8:1 ; Rose Apple 3.6:1 ; Roselle: 5.8:1 ; Sapodilla 1.7:1 ; Sapote 1.4:1 ; Soursop 0.5:1 ; Strawberries 0.7:1 ; Sugar Apple 0.7:1 ; Tamarind 0.6:1 ; Tangerine 1.4:1 ; Watermelon 0.9:1
Safe Vegetables
Alfalfa (Sprouts) 0.5:1 ; Amaranth 4.3:1 ; Artichoke 0.2:1 ; Asparagus 0.4:1 ; Avocado (California) 0.3:1 ; Avocado (Florida) 0.3:1 ; Bamboo Shoots 0.2:1 ; Beats 0.4:2 ; Beet Greens 2.9:1 ; Broccoli 0.7:1 ; Broccoli (Spears) 1.1:1 ; Brussels Sprouts 0.6:1 ; Burdock Root 0.8:1 ; Cabbage (Green) 2.0:1 ; Cabbage (Red) 1.2:1 ; Carrots 0.6:1 ; Celery 1.6:1 ; Chayote 1.0:1 ; Chicory Greens 2.1:1 ; Chinese Cabbage 2.8:1 ; Collard Greens 14.5:1 ; Coriander 2.7:1 ; Corn (Yellow) 0.02:1 ; Cucumber (with or without Skin) 0.7:1 ; Dandelion Greens 2.8:1 ; Dock 0.7:1 ; Endive 1.9:1 ; Eggplant 0.3:1 ; French Beans 0.6:1 ; Ginger Root 0.7:1 ; Green Beans (Snap Beans) 1.0:1 ; Jew's Ear (Pepeao) 1.1:1 ; Jute (Potherb) 2.5:1 ; Lettuce (Butter Head) 1.4:1 ; ; Lettuce (Loose Leaf) 2.7:1 ; Lettuce (Romaine) 0.8:1 ; Lupines 0.4:1 ; Kale 2.4:1 ; Kohlrabi 0.5:1 ; Mushrooms 0.2:1 ; Mustard Greens 2.4:1 ; Mustard Spinach 7.5:1 ; Napa Cabbage 1.5:1 ; Okra 1.3:1 ; Parsley 2.3:1 ; Parsnips 0.5:1 ; Peas (Green) 0.2:1 ; Peppers (Sweet) 0.5:1 ; Pumpkin 0.5:1 ; Radish 1.2:1 ; Rutabaga 0.8:1 ; Soy Bean (Green) 1.0:1 ; Soy Bean (Sprouts) 0.4:1 ; Spinach 2.0:1 ; Squash (Acorn) 0.9:1 ; Squash (Butternut) 1.5:1 ; Squash (Hubbard) 0.7:1 ; Squash (Spaghetti) 1.9:1 ; Squash (Summer, All Variety) 0.6:1 ; Squash (Winter, All Variety) 1:1 ; Squash (Zucchini) 0.5:1 ; Sweet Potato 0.8:1 ; Swiss Chard 1.1:1 ; Tomato (Green) 0.5:1 ; Tomato (Red) 0.2:1 ; Turnip 1.1:1 ; Turnip Greens 4.5:1 ; Watercress 2:1 ; Yams 0.3:1
Safe Fruits
Acerola 1:1 ; Apple (with Skin) 1:1 ;Apple (without Skin) 0.5:1 ; Apricots 0.7:1 ; Banana:0.3:1 ; Blackberries 1.5:1 ; Breadfruit 0.5:1 ; Cantaloupe 0.6:1 ; Carambola 0.2:1 ; Carissa 1.5:1 ; Casaba Melon 0.7:1 ; Cherimoya 0.5:1 ; Cherries (Sweet) 0.7:1 ; Crab Apples 1.2:1 ; Cranberries 0.7:1 ; Currants (European Black) 0.9:1 ; Currants (Red & White) 0.7:1 ; Currants (Zante) 0.6:1 ; Custard Apple 1.4:1 ; Dates 0.8:1 ; Elderberries 0.9:1 ; Figs 2.5:1 ; Grapes (American (Slip Skin)) 1.4:1 ; Grapes (European) 0.8:1 ; Grapefruit (Pink & Red): 1.2:1 Grapefruit (white): 1.5:1 Ground Cherries 0.2:1 ; Honeydew Melon 0.6:1 ; Jackfruit 0.9:1 ; Java Plum 1.1 ; 1 Jujube: 0.9:1 ; Kiwifruit 0.6:1 ; Kumquat 2.3:1 ; Lemon 4.0:1 ; Lemon Peel 11.1:1 ; Lime 1.8:1 ; Longans 0.04:1 ; Loquats 0.5:1 ; Mammy Apple 1:1; Mango 0.9:1 ; Mulberries 1:1 ; Nectarine 0.3:1 ; Oheloberries 0.7:1 ; Orange Peel 7.6:1 ; Orange (Navel) 2.1:1 ; Orange (Valencia) 2.3:1 ; Papaya 4.8:1 ; Passion Fruit (Purple) 0.1:1 ; Peach 0.4:1 ; Pear 1:1 ; Persimmon 1:1 ; Persimmon (Japanese) 0.4:1 ; Pineapple 1:1 ; Pitanga 100 grams 0.8:1 ; Plantain 0.1:1 ; Plum 0.4:1 ; Pomegranate 0.3:1 ; Prickly Pear 2.3:1 ; Prunes 0.6:1 ; Pummelo 0.2:1 ; Quince 0.6:1 ; Raisins (Golden Seedless) 0.4:1 ; Raisins (Seeded) 1:1 ; Raisins (Seedless) 0.5:1 ; Raspberries 1.8:1 ; Rose Apple 3.6:1 ; Roselle: 5.8:1 ; Sapodilla 1.7:1 ; Sapote 1.4:1 ; Soursop 0.5:1 ; Strawberries 0.7:1 ; Sugar Apple 0.7:1 ; Tamarind 0.6:1 ; Tangerine 1.4:1 ; Watermelon 0.9:1
Safe Vegetables
Alfalfa (Sprouts) 0.5:1 ; Amaranth 4.3:1 ; Artichoke 0.2:1 ; Asparagus 0.4:1 ; Avocado (California) 0.3:1 ; Avocado (Florida) 0.3:1 ; Bamboo Shoots 0.2:1 ; Beats 0.4:2 ; Beet Greens 2.9:1 ; Broccoli 0.7:1 ; Broccoli (Spears) 1.1:1 ; Brussels Sprouts 0.6:1 ; Burdock Root 0.8:1 ; Cabbage (Green) 2.0:1 ; Cabbage (Red) 1.2:1 ; Carrots 0.6:1 ; Celery 1.6:1 ; Chayote 1.0:1 ; Chicory Greens 2.1:1 ; Chinese Cabbage 2.8:1 ; Collard Greens 14.5:1 ; Coriander 2.7:1 ; Corn (Yellow) 0.02:1 ; Cucumber (with or without Skin) 0.7:1 ; Dandelion Greens 2.8:1 ; Dock 0.7:1 ; Endive 1.9:1 ; Eggplant 0.3:1 ; French Beans 0.6:1 ; Ginger Root 0.7:1 ; Green Beans (Snap Beans) 1.0:1 ; Jew's Ear (Pepeao) 1.1:1 ; Jute (Potherb) 2.5:1 ; Lettuce (Butter Head) 1.4:1 ; ; Lettuce (Loose Leaf) 2.7:1 ; Lettuce (Romaine) 0.8:1 ; Lupines 0.4:1 ; Kale 2.4:1 ; Kohlrabi 0.5:1 ; Mushrooms 0.2:1 ; Mustard Greens 2.4:1 ; Mustard Spinach 7.5:1 ; Napa Cabbage 1.5:1 ; Okra 1.3:1 ; Parsley 2.3:1 ; Parsnips 0.5:1 ; Peas (Green) 0.2:1 ; Peppers (Sweet) 0.5:1 ; Pumpkin 0.5:1 ; Radish 1.2:1 ; Rutabaga 0.8:1 ; Soy Bean (Green) 1.0:1 ; Soy Bean (Sprouts) 0.4:1 ; Spinach 2.0:1 ; Squash (Acorn) 0.9:1 ; Squash (Butternut) 1.5:1 ; Squash (Hubbard) 0.7:1 ; Squash (Spaghetti) 1.9:1 ; Squash (Summer, All Variety) 0.6:1 ; Squash (Winter, All Variety) 1:1 ; Squash (Zucchini) 0.5:1 ; Sweet Potato 0.8:1 ; Swiss Chard 1.1:1 ; Tomato (Green) 0.5:1 ; Tomato (Red) 0.2:1 ; Turnip 1.1:1 ; Turnip Greens 4.5:1 ; Watercress 2:1 ; Yams 0.3:1