“Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”
Adoption Contract
Sugar Glider Name:
Out of Pouch Date:
I__________________________________(name) Agree to follow the following rules and conditions of this adoption contract:
Please check those that apply; initial and sign at the end of each section.
Section 1: Breeding and Neutering
_______I promise that if the pet is sold at a PET-ONLY fee I am required to neuter the intact male by five (5) months of bringing the intact male home. If I fail to do so the glider will be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
_______When the male is neutered I promise to send the vet paperwork to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at my expenses.
_______If the female is sold as PET-ONLY she will never be housed with an intact male.
_______If a female is breed intentionally or accidentally the glider will be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
______If a male and female sugar glider are sold as PET-ONLY I will neuter the male sugar glider by five (5) months and if he is already older than eight (8) months he must be neutered before he can be housed with the female. Paperwork must then be sent to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.”
______If your sugar glider is breed with an intact male when sold at a “Breeding” price he must be vet checked and paperwork must be sent to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.” If he is not in a healthy state he will not be housed or bred with the female and if he is the female glider must be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owner’s expenses.
Section 2: Health Care
______I agree that I will get my sugar glider vet checked within the first 72 hours of purchasing him or her from “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”I have a 7 day health guarantee long as it goes to vet within the 72 Hours. When I get them vet checked I will mail in vet records to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”
______I agree to send pictures via email or mail of my cage to ensure that my glider will be kept in a healthy environment less bought from Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.
______I agree to feed my sugar glider a vet approved diet (HPW Plus, BML, ect.) and the vet approved diet they are being fed now must be fed to them for the first month of ownership to ensure they adjust well to their new forever homes. They also must be fed fruits and vegetables daily as well as a source of protein which can be meal worms, chicken, ect.
_____Can only feed a vet approved dry pellet food some have been known to cause liver disease and health problems so be cautious.
Section 3: 7 Day Health Guarantee
_____I promise to bring my sugar glider to an approved sugar glider veterinarian within the first 72 hours and will provide “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” with the required paperwork
_____The veterinarian I will bring my sugar glider to must be approved by “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”
_____If the sugar glider is sick and passes away the sugar glider will be returned to "Akron Sugar Glider Rescue" within the 7 days for a full refund of adoption fee if this contract is never voided.
_____If a sugar glider is in contact with other animals or ill sugar gliders that voids this contract.
_____If the contract in any way is broken the health guarantee will be voided and the sugar glider must be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
Section 4: Follow Ups
______Within the first two (2) years of owning one of our sugar gliders we have the right to contact you any time to check up on the current health of your sugar glider.
______At any time “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” decides to do a follow up via email or phone and you must respond within seven (7) days.
______If you change your phone number or email within the first two (2) years you are required to contact us.
______Any time after two (2) years of owning a sugar glider adopted from us you are not required to continue with follow ups.
______We reserve the right to post pictures sent to us on our Facebook, website, or any other form of publicity.
Section 4: Returns
____If at any time within the sugar gliders lifespan the sugar glider must be re homed “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” must be contacted and returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” no exceptions.
Adoption Contract
Sugar Glider Name:
Out of Pouch Date:
I__________________________________(name) Agree to follow the following rules and conditions of this adoption contract:
Please check those that apply; initial and sign at the end of each section.
Section 1: Breeding and Neutering
_______I promise that if the pet is sold at a PET-ONLY fee I am required to neuter the intact male by five (5) months of bringing the intact male home. If I fail to do so the glider will be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
_______When the male is neutered I promise to send the vet paperwork to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at my expenses.
_______If the female is sold as PET-ONLY she will never be housed with an intact male.
_______If a female is breed intentionally or accidentally the glider will be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
______If a male and female sugar glider are sold as PET-ONLY I will neuter the male sugar glider by five (5) months and if he is already older than eight (8) months he must be neutered before he can be housed with the female. Paperwork must then be sent to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.”
______If your sugar glider is breed with an intact male when sold at a “Breeding” price he must be vet checked and paperwork must be sent to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.” If he is not in a healthy state he will not be housed or bred with the female and if he is the female glider must be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owner’s expenses.
Section 2: Health Care
______I agree that I will get my sugar glider vet checked within the first 72 hours of purchasing him or her from “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”I have a 7 day health guarantee long as it goes to vet within the 72 Hours. When I get them vet checked I will mail in vet records to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”
______I agree to send pictures via email or mail of my cage to ensure that my glider will be kept in a healthy environment less bought from Akron Sugar Glider Rescue.
______I agree to feed my sugar glider a vet approved diet (HPW Plus, BML, ect.) and the vet approved diet they are being fed now must be fed to them for the first month of ownership to ensure they adjust well to their new forever homes. They also must be fed fruits and vegetables daily as well as a source of protein which can be meal worms, chicken, ect.
_____Can only feed a vet approved dry pellet food some have been known to cause liver disease and health problems so be cautious.
Section 3: 7 Day Health Guarantee
_____I promise to bring my sugar glider to an approved sugar glider veterinarian within the first 72 hours and will provide “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” with the required paperwork
_____The veterinarian I will bring my sugar glider to must be approved by “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue”
_____If the sugar glider is sick and passes away the sugar glider will be returned to "Akron Sugar Glider Rescue" within the 7 days for a full refund of adoption fee if this contract is never voided.
_____If a sugar glider is in contact with other animals or ill sugar gliders that voids this contract.
_____If the contract in any way is broken the health guarantee will be voided and the sugar glider must be returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” at the owners expenses.
Section 4: Follow Ups
______Within the first two (2) years of owning one of our sugar gliders we have the right to contact you any time to check up on the current health of your sugar glider.
______At any time “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” decides to do a follow up via email or phone and you must respond within seven (7) days.
______If you change your phone number or email within the first two (2) years you are required to contact us.
______Any time after two (2) years of owning a sugar glider adopted from us you are not required to continue with follow ups.
______We reserve the right to post pictures sent to us on our Facebook, website, or any other form of publicity.
Section 4: Returns
____If at any time within the sugar gliders lifespan the sugar glider must be re homed “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” must be contacted and returned to “Akron Sugar Glider Rescue” no exceptions.