Anytime that you need to handle the glider or catch him to put him back into his cage, hold your hand flat palm down, place your fingers together, spread your thumb out, see the V it makes in your hand. Use your right hand for now. Slide your hand from the right to the left slowly. When you need to catch your glider place your hand lower than your glider is and slide it under his front feet. This will make the glider walk on your hand. Let your glider hold onto you. When he gets there, be sure to give him a treat. The key thing with this is don't try to hold the glider let it hold you. If they feel like they are in control, they will learn to trust you more. Providing you have given them enough time to get used to their pouch, when you need to get them back into the cage, you can place their pouch somewhere that they feel safe. They will crawl into it and you can then pick up the pouch with him in it and hang it back in the cage.