Pocket Training
I suggest for one glider don’t use a pouch for a while. Instead, wear a pocket tee each day and hang it in the cage each night. If you have more than one glider, it’s best to use the pouch. You should still hang the shirt. Be sure you replace it each night with the one you wore that day. This will serve several purposes:
1. It will get your glider used to your scent because your scent will be fresh on the shirt each day.
2. The only thing for him to sleep in will be the pocket.
3. It will give him something to climb and play on.
4. He will get used to you putting your hands in the cage.
5. By the time you get through this, he will look at the pocket and your scent as a "safe zone".
After about a week or two, maybe longer, (you will know) you can try to take the shirt out in the morning and put it on, with the glider still in the pocket. Start by doing this for just a short time each day, gradually increasing the amount of time you wear the shirt.
Another method is to wear your gliders cover shirt. Button the bottom 3 buttons and tuck it into your pants. Scoop your glider gently from his sleeping pouch, being careful not to get him too excited, pull out your pocket, and just guide him in. Make a path with your hands so it has no other choice than to go into the pocket. It will come and go often in and out of the pocket, let it. Let it explore just the shirt and your pocket, If it curls up and goes to sleep within your shirt, just scoop it up gently and try again to redirect it to the pocket. Once it goes in and stays for long periods of time you can then pin a thinner smaller pouch (smaller than their sleeping pouch) inside the left side of the cover shirt. That is strictly a precautionary measure in case they get startled, scared, or just plain restless, they will go into the pouch.